The field of Buddhist studies is a truly international and interdisciplinary one. By its nature, the study of Buddhism must take into account phenomena that cross national and cultural boundaries, …
Indian Kavya Literature is planned in eight volumes as a comprehensive study of literature (kavya) in the literary criticism of that same tradition. Surprising as it may seem, Indian literature has…
This is a major section analyses the meditational method of Buddhaghosa, showing the interaction between Upanishadic Yogic Jhanas mode of concentration, and Buddhist vipassana insight meditation.
An attempt was made here, for the first time in the history of Sanskrit lexicography, to extract the meaning of a word from its actual usage in literature. It explains the grammatical formation of …
This constitues the first volume of the series. It indicates the scope of the project and provides a list of sources which will be surveyed in the sebsequent volumes, as well as provide a guide to …
di 1 juan. Fo zu xun you ji --rndi 2 juan in 2 pts. Weixiandala --rndi 3 juan. Qutan chu jia. Ga Peng --rndi 4 juan. Xiushan --rndi 5 juan. Shi shi lun hui --rndi 6 juan. Jin li yu --rndi 7 juan. N…
1-4. Vinayapiṭak. Mahāvibhaṅg --rn5. Vinayapiṭak. Bhikkhunīvibhaṅg. --rn6-8. Vinayapiṭak. Mohāvagg --rn9-11. Vinayapiṭak. Cullavagg --rn12-13. Vinayapiṭak. Parivār --rn14-19. …
1-4. Vinayapiṭak. Mahāvibhaṅg --rn5. Vinayapiṭak. Bhikkhunīvibhaṅg. --rn6-8. Vinayapiṭak. Mohāvagg --rn9-11. Vinayapiṭak. Cullavagg --rn12-13. Vinayapiṭak. Parivār --rn14-19. …