An attempt was made here, for the first time in the history of Sanskrit lexicography, to extract the meaning of a word from its actual usage in literature. It explains the grammatical formation of …
An attempt was made here, for the first time in the history of Sanskrit lexicography, to extract the meaning of a word from its actual usage in literature. It explains the grammatical formation of …
An attempt was made here, for the first time in the history of Sanskrit lexicography, to extract the meaning of a word from its actual usage in literature. It explains the grammatical formation of …
The metadata below describe the original scanning. Follow the All Files: HTTP" link in the "View the book" box to the left to find XML files that contain more metadata about the original images and…
Sankrit Primer provides a useful outline for a rapid review of Sanskrit grammar and language. It combines in a brief and careful manner Buhler's exercises with explanations of Whitney. The whole su…
Jatarupa`s commentary is the oldest extant commentary on the Amarakosa. Author`s involvement with the present work began in 1976, when he discovered one of the two extant manuscripts of Jatarupa`s …
Jatarupa`s commentary is the oldest extant commentary on the Amarakosa. Author`s involvement with the present work began in 1976, when he discovered one of the two extant manuscripts of Jatarupa`s …
The aim of this book is to provide the student with that grammatical equipment which is necessary for reading a Sanskrit text with ease and exactness. The book is divided into seven chapters and th…
Here is a textbook of Sanskrit grammar whose popularity with teachers and students alike has been on increase since its first printing. In it the essentials of Sanskrit grammar are carefully organi…
This book is convenient quick reference guide to the phonology and grammar of Classical Sanskrit. It presents essential reference information in Tables. Romanized transcription is used throughout, …
Monier-Williams' grammar belongs to the category known as the Grammar of form which deals with the system of inflexions and syntactical usages, characteristics of a language. It recognizes the diff…
A systematic survey of the Tibetan non-canonical literature dealing with Sanskrit grammar, partly consisting of translations of Indic works and partly of original Tibetan works. The book then goes …
A survey of the corpus of Indic literature on Sanskrit grammar, extant in Tibetan translation in the Buddhist canon. Core of the study is the description of the 47 Sanskrit grammatical treatises co…
As Latin is key to the study of Western classics, Sanskrit is the gateway to understanding ancient Indian literature. One of the few Sanskrit grammars currently available, this meticulously researc…
The present grammar has been prepared with a view to meet the growing educational need of university students. The author has done his best to bring the present grammar up to the requirements of th…
The Paribhasendusekhara by Nagesa is the most widely studied text in the field of grammatical Paribhasas. Numerous commentaries have been written on it including one by Nagesa`s Pupil, Vaidyanatha …