Tradition and argument in classical Indian linguistics : the bahirag̊a-paribhāṣā in the Paribhāṣenduśekhara
The Paribhasendusekhara by Nagesa is the most widely studied text in the field of grammatical Paribhasas. Numerous commentaries have been written on it including one by Nagesa`s Pupil, Vaidyanatha Payagunda. In addition an excellent english translation was published more than a century ago by one of the most outstanding scholars of sanskrit grammar, Franz Kielhorn. Yet the protion dealing with the Bahiranga Paribhasa the most important Paribhasa and the one most extensively discussed by Nagesa has according to Bronkhorst been misunderstood by commentators and translator alike.
0001119 | PK541 .N3353 .B76 1986 | Research Library (อาคาร 1 ชั้น 4) | พร้อมให้บริการ |
0003271 | PK541 .N3353 .B76 2003 | Research Library (อาคาร 1 ชั้น 4) | พร้อมให้บริการ |
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