Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇaviniścaya. Chapter 3
Dharmakirti's second fundamental treatise, the Pramana viniscaya, contains a mature and comprehensive explanation of his epistemology and logic. The work of this influential Indian philosopher, active in the first half of the 7th century CE, consists of three chapters that are devoted, respectively, to the sources of knowledge and perception, to inference, and to proof. The first two chapters are presented here. An edition of the third chapter is under preparation by Pascale Hugon, Toru Tomabechi, and Tom Tillemans. Until recently this work was known only through its Tibetan translation. The present edition of the original Sanskrit text is based on two complete codices, three larger and one smaller fragment in the collection of photocopies of the Chinese Tibetology Research Center, Beijing, as well as a single folio from the National Archives, Kathmandu. Of this manuscript materials there are actually three complete codices available for the first two chapters. In addition to these codices, numerous citations and reports are adduced as secondary testimonies. The introduction not only describes the codices used for the present edition and the fragments relevant for the third chapter, but also introduces the secondary testimonies and explains their treatment.
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