Soma·deva composed his “Ocean of the Rivers of Story” in Kashmir in the eleventh century CE. It is a vast collection of tales based on “The Long Story,” a now lost (and perhaps legendary) …
The myths and legends of the Khmers displayed in low reliefs in all the major temples in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos are examined in depth and richly illustrated.
The Upanishads, part 2 of 2 Katha Upanishad. Mundaka Upanishad. Taittiriya Upanishad. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. Svetasvatara Upanishad. Prasña Upanishad. Maitrayani Upanishad. Dover edition in print.
The Upanishads, Part 1 of 2. Chandogya Upanishad. Talavakara (Kena) Upanishad. Aitareya Upanishad. Kausitaki Upanishad. Vajasaneyi (Isa) Upanishad.
The Vedanta-Sutras, vol 3 of 3. with the commentary of Râmânuja.
Vedic Hymns, part 2 of 2 Hymns to Agni (Mandalas I-V).
The Satapatha-Brahmana, part 5 of 5. Books XI, XII, XIII, XIV. according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school.
The Satapatha-Brahmana, part 4 of 5, Books VII, IX, X. according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school.
Hymns of the Atharva-Veda Togther With Extracts From the Ritual Books and the Commentaries.
The Satapatha-Brahmana, part 3 of 5. Books V, VI, VII. according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school.
The Vedanta-Sutras, part 2 of 3. commentary by Sankaracharya, part 1 of 2. Adhyâya II (Pâda III-IV)-IV.
The Vedanta-Sutras, part 1 of 3. commentary by Sankaracharya, part 1 of 2. Adhyâya I-II (Pâda I-II).
The Minor Law-Books: Narada and Brihaspati. (Part 1 of 1).
Vedic Hymns, part 1 of 2 Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vâyu, and Vâta., with a bibliographical list of the more important publications on the Rig-veda.
The Grihya-sutras; rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies. part 2 of 2 Gobhila, Hiranyakesin, Apastamba (Olderberg); Yajña Paribhashasutras (Müller).
The Grihya-sutras; rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies. part 1 of 2 Sankhyayana-Grihya-sutra. Asvalayana-Grihya-sutra. Paraskara-Grihya-sutra. Khadia-Grihya-sutra.
The Satapatha-Brahmana, part 2 of 5, Books III-IV according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school.
The Laws of Manu Translated, with extracts from seven commentaries. Out of print Dover edition.
The Sacred Laws of the Aryas, part 2 of 2. The sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the school of Apastamba, Gautama, Vâsishtha, and Baudhâyana. pt. II. Vâsishtha and Baudhâyana.
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