Rama, the crown prince of the city of Ayódhya, is a model son and warrior. He is sent by his father the king to rescue a sage from persecution by demons, but must first kill a fearsome ogress. Tha…
This greatest of court epics describes events leading up to but not including the birth of Kumára (also known as Skanda or Karttikéya), the war god destined to defeat the demon Táraka. The god…
The play satirizes various religions in Kashmir and their place in the politics of King Shánkara·varman (883-902). Jayánta’s strategy is to take a characteristic figure of the target religion …
Book Three of the great Indian epic the “Maha·bhárata,” ‘The Forest’ covers the twelve years of the Pándavas’ exile in the forest, a penalty imposed upon them by the Káuravas because …
The Dívyavadána, or “Heavenly Exploits,” is a collection of thirty-eight Buddhist biographical stories. The genre of narratives of an individual’s religiously significant deeds is as old as…
This volume contains the proceedings of a workshop on the Chinese translation of the Ekottarika-āgama, the Zengyi ahan jing (增壹阿含經), Taishō no. 125, held at Dharma Drum Buddhist College…
The present book collects research papers by the author with translation of Samyukta-agama discourses and comparative studies of their Pali parallels, together with two appendices on the relationsh…
In a world of conflict and strife, how can we be advocates of peace and justice? In this volume acclaimed scholar-monk Bhikkhu Bodhi has collected and translated the Buddha’s teachings on con…
“The Ocean of the Rivers of Story” was written by Soma·deva in Kashmir in the eleventh century CE, in order to amuse queen Súryavati. Its frame narrative is so swamped in the flood of stories…
Volume two of Budha·svamin’s “The Emperor of the Sorcerers” begins with the merchant Sanu·dasa telling the story, an epic in itself, of how he acquired Gandhárva·datta, his daughter whose…
Volume Two continues this fast-paced tale of mystery and sorcery up to canto 28. Nara·váhana·datta's epic quest to become the human emperor of the sorcerers leads him and his companions to win y…
The Epitome of Queen Lilávati tells the stories of the lives of a group of souls as they pass through a series of embodiments on their way to final liberation from the continual cycle of death and…
ภาค 1 มัชเฌนธรรมเทศนา -- ตอน 1 ชีวิตคืออะไร? -- บทที่ 1 ขันธ์ 5 -- บทที่ 2 อายตนะ 6 -- …
เป็นหนังสืออ้างอิงทางวิชาการพระพุทธศาสนา ที่มีrnประโยชน์เกื้อกูลแก่…
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This is the third volume of proceedings of the Āgama seminars convened by the Āgama Research Group at the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (formerly Dharma Drum Buddhist College). It collect…