Thai To You ไทยให้ฝรั่ง
Thai is language very different from English and is only spoken by Thais. For most foreigners it's difficult to learn but, on the other side, most Thais have problems with English too. However, people need language as a means of communication and to understand other's way of life and to exchange ideas. Thai has a big alphabet with symbols for 44 consonants and 32 vowels or vowel combinations. But the consonants represent only 21 different sounds and the vowels are pronounced either short or long. There are many letters that are not frequently used so foreigners get along by knowing the most important letters and their sounds and closing sounds. Thai is a mono-syllabic language, consisting basically of words with one syllable, or words thatc can be separated, each syllable having its own meaning. Many multisyllabic words are of foreign origin. Thai is a tonal language. The language consists of short syllables and the number of diffent sounds is restricted. Different tones are used to overcome this restriction to introduce a wider range of meaning. There are 5 different tones in the Thai language, but not all of them are used for each syllable.
040665 | ห้องสมุดสถาบันธรรมชัย (อาคาร 2 ชั้น 4) (ตู้ 10 ชั้น 12) | พร้อมให้บริการ |
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